Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's that time of year again

Time to start the garden. I always get excited at the prospects of what we can grow ourselves every year. Tonight we picked up seeds and a few plants plus everything we needed for the soil.

I went out and worked for a bit while Will played on the swingset. I worked in 2 bags of manure, 2 bags of top soil and 1 bag of organic soil conditioner. I'm watering it in tomorrow morning and then raking it out level tomorrow afternoon. I plan on planting on Tuesday or Wednesday. Here's what you can expect to find growing in my garden this summer.

Kentucky wonder pole beans - because really, is it a garden without them?
Sugar snap peas
Red bell peppers
Roma tomatoes
Yellow summer squash
Pickling cucumbers

We're also planting 2 blackberry and 2 raspberry bushes.

Hooray for canning, pickling and making jams in the fall!!

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