Wednesday, July 23, 2008

4th of July party at our house

It looks like a tradition may be born. We had another 4th of July block party in our driveway. I'd say it was a rip roaring success. We had 2 grills, 3 tables and countless chairs set up in the driveway and most everyone we know came. There was food, booze, a parade, water balloons, a slip n slide, and fireworks. What could get more American than that?

One of the food tables

Here are some pictures of the kiddos:

Cooper - isn't he adorable?

Lucas is working on a world class pout

Will waiting (for what, I dunno) in his wagon

Well, apparently he was waiting for Josie :)

Brigette and her flag

Will waving his flag, too

The kid parade being led by Adam - is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen?

Some shots of the crowd

And the grown ups

Todd manning the grill

Rich and Jodie

Steve and Terri

Fred and Shannon

And a few while watching fireworks at the end of the night.

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