Yesterday was my 34 week appointment. We're really, really starting to get down to the wire here. This little man will be arriving before too much longer.
First are my stats: Weight - exactly 1 lb over my prepregnancy weight. I had some yo-yoing going on the last few weeks with my weight - gained a bunch, lost a bunch, stablized back at my same weight.
My urine and blood pressure were both good.
He scored another 10/10 on his testing - biophysical profile and non stress test. Brooke has estimated his weight at 5 lbs 8 oz. He was extremely active this week and was moving all over the place for the ultrasound and the monitoring.
I met with my regular doctor (haven't seen him the last few appts). We talked about possible induction dates. We didn't schedule it, or anything, but agreed on Monday, March 16th. He'll be on call that day, so I want to be induced on a date he'll be there.
So, 33 days - or less. I'm hopeful this little guy will come before then, but I'm not holding my breath.
1 comment:
You never know...Abby came over a week early on her own. He just might surprise you ; )
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