Thursday, April 10, 2008

Construction of a Wooden Playset - Day 1

I figure this should be a fun thing to chronicle. Todd is building Will a wooden play set/swing set in the back yard. The construction of this project is what prompted me to begin a blog. LOL I figure this is going to be fun.

Todd and I decided that Will needed some sort of swing set or play house in the back yard to combat summer boredom. The weather has been warming up and it was getting to be that time. On Sunday, April 5th, we went to Sam's Club to get a few items. And "ta-da" - there it was. Fully assembled and beautiful. It was a sight to behold - and HUGE! Todd got excited immediately. And he must have been really excited because he didn't even balk at the price.

So, on Monday Todd took my van to work with all of the seats taken out of it. After work he went to Sam's Club to purchase and pick up our play set. It was 5 boxes and the slide. I don't know how my poor van made it back to the house with so much stuff in it.

Will decided he could be a big help to Daddy and help him unload boxes.

We were dog sitting Mocha for the week for Liz and Mocha was a bit concerned about what all this action was we were doing.

We got all the boxes unloaded into the garage to begin the project.

Then Will and the dogs realized that the back of my van is a great play house. Who needs all these boxes and stuff? We can play in here! You will note that Will is waving a UT flag. He was excited because the Lady Vols just won the National Championship - again. LOL

After Will climbed back out of the van, Dixie and Mocha decided to stay for a bit. I guess they figured it was front row seating for the action.

Todd sat down on his stool and began to contemplate the size of the project. We all know every project goes well if you just read the instructions. Hopefully this will be the case.

We began to open the boxes. Man, that's going to end up being a lot of parts.

And holy hardware, batman! Have you ever seen so many screws? WOW!

Todd began working while I bathed Will and put him to bed with visions of slides, ladders and swings dancing in his head. Todd was able to assemble the beginning framework of the structure in the garage before he needed my help moving it into the yard.

And then he wrapped up his work with an ice cold Yuengling.

Before Will went to bed, we had a little fun playing. So, without further ado, here are some pictures of my sweet boy having fun while waiting on Daddy to get started.

I think he's already grown weary of me.

He convinced Daddy to "fling Will" for a bit, too.

My boys

Please check back often, I'm sure this adventure is going to get good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love reading about the adventures of the playset!! Will is just too cute!!

haha...let the cussing begin!! ;)