Saturday, March 28, 2009
Things I've learned after a second pregnancy
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A bit of a scary afternoon with a happy ending
He checked my dilation and something about my being checked set Evan off. His heart rate plummeted and things got a bit scary. Several nurses up front didn't realize the doctor was with me and they all came running into our room. It was tense for several minutes as everyone watched the monitors. I started praying that everything was going to be okay. I was afraid for the first time. At 6:02 my doctor started giving me instructions on what to expect - because if things didn't change 180 degrees in 60 seconds, we were going in for an emergency c-section. He was explaining to me that he'd have Evan out in under 5 minutes and that the rest of my surgery would take about 30 minutes total.
At 6:40 I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to start pushing - I wanted my baby out. I was too scared having him inside me at this point. Todd went and got a nurse and told them I wanted to push. I still had a rim of cervix left, but they told me that I could go ahead and start pushing.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Birthin' and bloggin'
It's a few minutes before 10 am on Friday the 20th. Evan's birthday - it's official this time.
We arrived a few minutes after 7 and were taken to our room. Paperwork was filled out and my IV was hooked up. In regular fashion for me, the vein blew the first time and it took two tries to get the IV in. And as always for me, my blood pressure bottomed out and I almost blacked out immediately afterwards. The nurse said my pressure was 68/32. Then they informed me that I'm GBS positive, so they added a bag of antibiotics to my IV. And once again, I almost passed out.
Getting the trend, here? I love needles. LOL
My doctor came and checked me a few minutes before 9 am and pronounced I was 3-4cm, 80% effaced and Evan was +2 station. He told the nurses to go ahead and roll with the pitocin and we'd get this party started.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
So much for that idea
And that was when my doctor informed me the last words I could even imagine "I hate to be the bearer or bad news. But we had a few nurses call in, we're just too short staffed.". Todd said "you're sending us home, aren't you??" And he repliled "yes".
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Will decided to remind me he's still my #1 priority, at least for a few more minutes by waking up at 5:30 when my alarm was set for 6:20. It took a bit to get him resettled, but now he's sleeping soundly in his bed. I'm actually glad he woke up. I managed to get in one more snuggle and kiss from my first baby boy.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A trip to labor and delivery
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
38 week appt
Evan cooperated for his NST and I didn't have to spend an hour on the monitor. Then it was off to my ultrasound. Evan scored another 10/10 on his BPP. It took a while for Brooke to convince him to breathe - he was being a bit uncooperative. I ended up feeling really light headed and she had me move onto my left side to relieve the pressure on my arteries. While giving me a minute to recoup, Brooke switched into 4D so we could see Evan's sweet face. I started to cry. That's the first time I've ever cried during any ultrasound. He was just so sweet and fat. I can't wait to kiss his fat little cheeks.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Less than a week to go
Sunday, March 8, 2009
He's becoming so independent
Will was obviously starved by then. In the length of time it took me to prepare Todd's plate and mine, Will consumed almost his entire dinner and was asking for more. So, I stopped and refilled his plate - more bbq chicken, corn, baked beans. I sliced a couple more strawberries for him and also microwaved some leftover green beans and threw them on his plate. He ate ALL of this food, too.
He's excused to go watch Diego while Todd and I finish eating. Afterwards, Todd took the car for a test drive to confirm that the brakes were finished and said that he'd be back when Diego went off and he and Will would take a shower together and he'd get him in bed for me.
This week's Will-ism
The compulsion to nest is overwhelming
Helped Todd bleed the brakes on his car
Sweep kitchen
Load, run, unload, reload dishwasher
Clean fronts of all kitchen appliances
Scrub down kitchen sink and all countertops, walls and cabinets
Cooked dinner
Cleaned powder room floor
Cleaned Will's potty chair
Scrubbed powder room toilet
Wiped down and polished sink in powder room
Cleaned mirrors and glass - inside and out
Vacuumed the whole house
Washed and put away 2 loads of clothes
Washed and changed sheets on our bed
Scrubbed toilet and both sinks, countertop and mirror in Will's bathroom
Scrubbed toilet, both sinks, countertop and mirror in our bathroom
Cleaned up entire play room and all the mess in Will's bedroom, too.
Straightened up guest room
As of yet to be accomplished today:
Re-sweep and mop kitchen floors - must restrain myself from getting the scrub brush out and getting on my knees to scrub it
Sweep and mop wood floors
Dust office, dining room, entertainment center and our bedroom furniture
Clean our bedroom mirror
Wash my car (really??? This is getting really compulsive if I actually wash my own car, too)
Wondering if I can restrain myself from sanding the drywall mud in the bathroom. Think Todd would care if I started priming and painting in there myself? Yeah, probably.
38 weeks today
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Final details
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Ode to Ambien
Granted, it'll all be snatched away again shortly (12 days or LESS), but I'm considering myself to be a sleep camel - I'm storing it up right now to use as reserves after he arrives.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
This week's appointment
Todd's flying right now and scheduled to fly 3 more times between now and the 13th. It's making me a bit nervous, but I'm trying to keep the paranoia in check. Worst case scenerio, I end up calling Command Post and they'll radio the jet and let Todd know to come back asap. Here's hoping they don't have to do that.